Who is Zoe?

Well, I’m glad you asked.

I’m an Edinburgh-based freelance content writer. Born in the UK, raised pretty much everywhere but.

I’ve lived in Hong Kong, Singapore, Mexico, Japan and — drumroll — Glasgow. As a third-culture-kid, I’m a dab hand at stepping into other people’s shoes. It’s made me a better writer, listener and understand-er of diverse ideas and perspectives. You can see how that’s shaped my career further down this page.

I love black coffee, barefoot walks in The Meadows and playing my banjo while singing a song or two. Oh, and I also really like writing good things for good people like you. 

(FYI, Mac’s short for Macnaughton — a good strong Scottish name, but makes a clunky logo).

My journey so far…

Over the past 5 years or so, I’ve*:

  • Managed a marketing team in an EdTech startup

  • Led content campaigns for a world-leading international online school

  • Written articles from interviews with elite athletes

  • Ghost-written opinion pieces for international news outlets

  • Consulted on content marketing strategy for a web design agency

  • Written digital and print news articles for a local newspaper

  • Started my own freelance content writing business from scratch — oh, hey! We’re all caught up.

*Not to toot my own horn, but this is just a wee sliver of my creative career. You can find me on LinkedIn if you want some proper intel, or have a nosy at some of my previous work.

Zoe Mac Writes Edinburgh freelance content writer logo marque orange human handprint

What’s with the


From cave walls millions of years ago to A3 paper in nursery classrooms, we’ve been stamping our handprints on things since time began. It says “Hey, I’m a person, and you are too”. Because only another person would know what the heck they’re looking at when they see it.

In a world where it feels like the robots are taking over (and I know that’s not all bad), I believe some things are better left in warmer, fumblier human hands. Connecting with other people through writing — whether business or personal — definitely makes the list.

So my logo is that basic, universally human “Hey”. And at the end of the day, it’s what my writing is too. A nod to the reader of our common humanity (even if part of that humanity wants you to help them pay their bills). 

Zoe Mac Writes Edinburgh freelance content writer logo marque blue human handprint

Sound like we’d get along?

I’d love to hear from you.